UPDATE: Diamond has found a lovely new home!
is a 10 year old female Staffy x (approx 19kg).
Unfortunately Diamonds human has been unwell, and has been moved to full time care. Diamond is currently being looked after by her Aunt (from Australia) but she has to leave Sept 4, and hopes Diamond can find a new home by then.
Diamond is a fabulous sweet girl who loves all species, including cats, dogs, children, farm animals. She has a lot of love to give, especially to her humans.
Diamond really has a slower paced life these days. She enjoys a daily stroll and is fabulous on lead and off. She also likes to play with her ball.
Diamond has no major medical issues. She is prone to dermatitis if fed the wrong food. She does sometimes favour her back leg due to a possible bruised tendon. Her medical history is available from her current vet.
Please let me know if you would like to meet Diamond. She currently lives in Ellerslie.
Please email dearhumansnz@gmail.com
Gorgeous girl. Would love to help…But she be a bit big for us? Older!! With a seven kg cavachon…we might struggle to fully exercise, get in car etc. All the best. Wish we were younger!
Hi I’d love to meet diamond
I would like to meet Diamond but key question – can she climb stairs?
Wow. Are the owners will to transfer insurance and/or pay vet bills? This lovely girl deserves a loving home!
Good afternoon
I was just wondering if the lovely Diamond had found a new home yet ?
Has Diamond found a home yet lizzy
Im willing to foster Diamond till she finds a new home if thats any help