Feeding your dog

Everything you need to know about feeding your dog

Nutritional quality food is vital for your dog’s well being and longevity - Just like humans

It is vital, that you feed your dog a nutritionally balanced, quality diet. A combination of the right proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. This will extend your dog's life, protect them from cancer and other 20th-century diseases, keep their skin, coat and fur healthy, and support healthy organ function.

Unlike cats who are carnivores, dogs are omnivores. As well as meat proteins, they also require grains, fruit and vegetables. Every dog needs an age-appropriate diet, providing the nutritional needs at every life stage. Newborns and puppies require different nutrients to a senior, or overweight dog.

Please also research specific nutritional requirements If you have a small or larger dog, or a specific breed they will all have different priorities.

What diets, humans are choosing to feed their dogs.

Human foods that are dangerous to dogs

Over the years, many human foods have been describe as toxic for our dogs.

I follow a very credible veterinarian called Dr Karen Becker. She has been busting myths around certain foods, that are actually OK to feed our dogs - after believing otherwise.

But there are some definite no nos!

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The Top No Nos Are:

  • Grapes
  • Chocolate
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Raisins
  • Onions
  • Cooked bones of any kind

Bones – Cooked and Raw

When we were young, we would see our elders feeding dinner scraps, bones, bread, fat… to the family dog. Feeding dogs bones, was always written in children’s storybooks, poems and in movies. It’s been common knowledge, that you ‘give a dog a bone’.
Unfortunately a COOKED bone is the worst thing you can give to your dog. Especially pork & poultry bones!

All bones can splinter when digested at any stage the process. Bones can cut your dogs mouth and throat, they can tear the bowel or other organs, they can also block the intestines causing diarrhea, or bleeding bowels.

Large dogs really benefit from bones. The rule is to feed them a bone larger than their own muzzle, so there is no risk of being able to swallow it. Beef shank bones are a great option here, served raw. Always supervise your dog while they are eating their bone, and remove it after 20 mins. Keep the bone in the freezer to prevent flies and any smell.

How do I tell if my dogs food is right for them?

Read your dog's poo!

The quality of your dog’s number two will show if he has a healthy diet. Seeing diarrhea is a common sign your dog has eaten something their body does not agree with.

Another common sign is that your dog may be struggling to pass his poop, possibly straining? this can mean they are dehydrated. It may be un-pleasant. But taking notice of your dog's poop is very important in understanding the health of their digestive system.

Dogs cannot speak so it’s one of our responsibilities as owners to speak for them, and get their poo tested if it seems abnormal for more than 24hrs. Abnormal poo can mean several medical outcomes. Your vet will provide the best information and medication required, as your dog will most likely be suffering pain and discomfort.

Please use this “poop colour wheel” if your dogs’ poo has recently changed or is abnormal. The chart is courtesy of the American Kennel Club.

If your dogs’ poop is not usually “normal” please chat to your vet and they will suggest a more appropriate diet.

Read your dog's poo

Bones – Cooked and Raw

When we were young, we would see our elders feeding dinner scraps, bones, bread, fat… to the family dog. Feeding dogs bones, was always written in children’s storybooks, poems and in movies. It’s been common knowledge, that you ‘give a dog a bone’.
Unfortunately a COOKED bone is the worst thing you can give to your dog. Especially pork & poultry bones!

All bones can splinter when digested at any stage the process. Bones can cut your dogs mouth and throat, they can tear the bowel or other organs, they can also block the intestines causing diarrhea, or bleeding bowels.

Large dogs really benefit from bones. The rule is to feed them a bone larger than their own muzzle, so there is no risk of being able to swallow it. Beef shank bones are a great option here, served raw. Always supervise your dog while they are eating their bone, and remove it after 20 mins. Keep the bone in the freezer to prevent flies and any smell.

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"Pets are humanizing, they remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve,
nurture and care for all life.”

- James Cromwell

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